O Parkour consiste essencialmente em superar todos os obstáculos, sejam eles físicos ou mentais em qualquer tipo de ambiente, natural ou urbano.
A prática requer treino físico metódico e dedicação, e visa principalmente a eficácia, poupando energia para ultrapassar os obstáculos com a máxima segurança do praticante.
Parkour essentially consists of overcoming all obstacles, whether physical or mental, in any type of environment, natural or urban.
The practice requires methodical physical training and dedication, and is mainly aimed at efficiency, saving energy to overcome obstacles with maximum safety for the practitioner.
Parkour is, above all, physical and mental training, aimed at developing different skills and physical capacities of the body: running, quadrupedal displacements, different types of rolls, climbing forms, balances, jumps and other forms of movement. to overcome obstacles quickly, efficiently and safely, progressing to new heights of human movement exploration.